How much profit are you losing without web accessibility?
Do you know how many people with some kind of disability tries lands on your website everyday? If you don't, this might surprise you!

Do you know how many people with some kind of disability tries lands on your website everyday? If you don't, this might surprise you!
Why Making Your Shopify Store Accessible Helps Your SEO?
Most people think that to get lots of clients from the Internet, they must build a website with an outstanding design. Even worse, they go to agencies and freelancers that charge lots of money to build it, later to realize that they don’t get visitors at all. So here are 3 main reasons why having a beautiful website is not enough and what you should do about it.
We are going to learn why is social media ads are vital for your business in 2023 and why web accessibility is so important for it.
Both companies Apple and Google are enforcing new privacy rules. These rules affect advertising platforms like Facebook. If you rely only on their advertising, then pay attention to this article.
The Internet has changed our lives. People now look into the internet to buy stuff, solve issues, for entertainment purposes, and live on it every day. that is why is vital for any business to have an online presence.
The Galactic Empire has a lot of security issues, especially when it comes to accessing its secret bases and projects. So my team and I helped them to design a new system that enforces security and integrates with their databases. Let's see if they implement it before a catastrophic attack.